Do you aware about your mobile banking transactions are secure and do you feel your PC was fully protected?

Most of the technology experts suggest that to check our PC and smart phones before they use whether they are secured or not. They confirm that majority of PC and smart phones are unsecured so the transactions done through the mobile banking are also unsecured so be aware why it is UN secure and how to protect our PC and Smart phone in that thrifts. Regarding this one article was released in News @ THE HINDU.
“Zeus is the most pernicious “Trojan horse” which is a destructive programmed disguised as an application on the internet. From the last four years it has infected millions of PCs, taking control of the computer and stealing personal banking details.

Microsoft has fought against Zeus, which is one of the most difficult types of malware to detect but the great fear among cybercrime experts is no longer your home computer. A new strain of Zeus, dubbed “Zitmo” (it stands for “Zeus in the mobile“) has begun to exploit a large hole in personal banking security in the Smartphone in our pocket.

Trojans can enter a Smartphone in many ways. All you have to do is click on a link or attachment that contains the virus, and within seconds it can secretly seize control of the phone. That link might be a tiny URL in Twitter. The attachment could be a vCard, the standard format for sending a business card to a phone or it could be that you are accessing a website in a cafe. At WiFi hotspots, fraudsters create bogus gateways, known as “evil twins”, to which the latest mobile phones will automatically connect. As the Guardian revealed in April, once a connection is established, all the information passing through the gateway can be read directly or decrypted, allowing fraudsters to harvest user names, passwords and messages.
The Trojan sleeps on the home PC until the user logs into a bank website. At that point it wakes up, intercepts the process, asking the user to download a new security device on to their mobile phone to complete the banking log-in process. But in reality, the new security device is the Zeus Trojan infecting their phone. Once it’s on, it takes control of the user’s phone.

How to secure our devises:

•Don’t trust un known links or attachments send by unknown persons. If a person you do know has sent you a link or attachment, check with them that it is legitimate before opening it.
•Don’t use public Wi-Fi for financial transactions and personal transactions.
•accept any updates that are made available for your devices.
•install applications from reputable publishers only.
•Don’t “jailbreak” your iPhone.
•Do set an unguessable pin in case your phone is stolen.

For more information Read (THE HINDU article)

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